Hillary Looked Great!

The Chelsea Wedding was this past weekend! Here’s a Hillary photo:

With Bill arriving for a wedding party. Photo: Reuters

And here’s the invite you’ve already seen, Twitterbugs:

Understated yet elegant. Yet 1995.

Another extremely important Twitter trend today has surrounded the marriage of Lisa Simpson, which some bright spark noted happened on the 1st August 2010 (I know that’s yesterday, but Twitter users can be slow!). Bear with me on this, I actually had to do some research … there was an episode of The Simpsons in 1995 entitled Lisa’s Wedding (Series 6 episode 19). In said episode, there is a flash forward 15 years to Lisa’s wedding, and this is what the invitation read … (see picture on left) …

Gathering my thoughts on the Villaraigosa grades, and planning an interview with a leading Councilmember.

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