Bernard Parks Likes Snacks, Just Like You and Me

On the heels of Councilmember Bernard Parks’ (CD-8) new obsession with Twitter (@BernardCParks‘ most recent Tweet: “QUESTION!!! What do you think about What do you think could make my webpage more sufficient? please send suggestions.”), I wanted to share a photo I took at the City Council meeting on June 30th.

I personally find it endearing that someone who chose not to take a pay cut as the city lays off hundreds of workers and cuts city services still prefers snacks from a vending machine. We had those back at school!

Councilmember Parks told LAist:

I never speak about my personal salary. It’s a public record and that’s all I can say to you.

All I can say is, here’s the picture. Is that a koala bear on the microphone? Cute!

Hey, could you throw me a yogurt chip? No yogurt chips? Oh, okay, sunflower seeds are okay too.

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